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Doors open up energy savings

ENERGY bills can be dramatically reduced with the introduction of a Rapid Action Door to areas where the warehouse doors are in regular use. Whilst unloading a delivery the temptation, for many, is to leave the door open whilst the fork lift drives in and out. In temperature controlled areas the cost implications are vast.

Stanair Industrial Door Services Ltd in Kettering has a range of doors that are the perfect solution for such energy savings.

Stanair’s “Nergeco’ range has a door to suit most applications. These doors open and close at a consistent speed of one metre per second – the reason it can close as quickly as it opens is that it does not have a solid bottom rail, unlike most other Rapid Action Doors. They also seal perfectly within the opening to stop warm air escaping out or cold air getting in.

“We have fitted numerous doors within Northamptonshire and the surrounding areas and we actively encourage customers considering this style of door to visit one of these sites with us. This way they can see the door in situ, see how well the door seals for themselves and speak to the people using the door on a daily basis and find out their opinion of it,” said Simon Barnicoat of Stanair, “In addition we can demonstrate the additional safety features of this door – as well as the standard safety features, many of Stanair’s Nergeco range have an infra-red beam built into the bottom section of curtain that, once the beam is broken through impact, returns the door to the open position.”

For more information contact Stanair Industrial Door Services Ltd on 01536 482187 or visit the website www.stanair.co.uk

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