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More than two centuries of service

LOOKING after family owned businesses, and the private needs of the family owners, is at the core of the services which Howes Percival has provided to the Northamptonshire business community for over 225 years since Richard Howes founded our firm in Towcester in 1790.

It was only when Mike Percival retired as senior partner in 2005 that the family of our founder ceased to have an involvement in the firm.

So while we are now no longer, strictly, a family business, we have still retained the ethos of what makes a family business such a successful model. Which in turn, helps us understand what our family business clients want and where they need to get to.

At the heart of any strong and successful family business is the same caring and supportive attitude that enables any family to survive and prosper.

It is not an attitude that is at odds with the need to run a business efficiently, profitably and with a willingness to take tough decisions. But families too face difficult times which need tough decisions to be taken. A willingness to take the right decision, but implemented in a caring and supportive manner, is the key to a successful outcome. Caring for your staff, your customers and suppliers in the same way as you care for your family will give you a firm foundation for success. And with over 200 years of family history behind us, we do think we know about this particular subject!

Find out more about Howes Percival at www.howespercival.com or call 01604 230400.

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