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Avoid the scams

SCAM mail is now a serious and endemic problem, which is causing financial and mental devastation to millions of silent victims of fraud.

Money sent to scams could end up being used to keep a criminal in a luxury lifestyle but international organised criminal gangs sometimes use the money they have gleaned to fund the drug trade, gun crime, human trafficking and other crimes worldwide.

SCAM mail is now a serious and endemic problem, which is causing financial and mental devastation to millions of silent victims of fraud.

Money sent to scams could end up being used to keep a criminal in a luxury lifestyle but international organised criminal gangs sometimes use the money they have gleaned to fund the drug trade, gun crime, human trafficking and other crimes worldwide. There are many types of scams;

Lottery and Prize Draws – these are the most common where victims are told they have won a large cash prize but are asked to send some sort of fee to release it.

Clairvoyant Scams – clairvoyant scammers have no idea who will be reading their letters but show false concern and pretend they are going to a lot of trouble to give the reader good health, wealth and happiness.

Catalogue and Brochure Scams – scammers send out literature selling a variety of different products including food, pills, potions, jewellery and clothes and items for home and garden. They guarantee prizes to those who order but they never send the prize. Instead they send out more dazzling promises to get more orders. These scams often involve the victim receiving a telephone call confirming the ‘win’ or being told to look out for important letters arriving. Although universal, these scams are known to be operating out of the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Switzerland.

Religious Scams – Religious themed scam letters often claim the sender is going to Lourdes to pray for the victim but ask for a fee.

Banks and Building Society Scams – scammers sometimes send out authentic-
looking scam mail, pretending to be from banks and building societies asking for information and/or cash. It’s more prolific via email but is also being sent by post.

Debt Recovery Scams – scammers contact the victim by letter or telephone and claim they have bought a debt with their name on it from a reputable company or utility supplier. They threaten court action if the fictitious bill is not paid quickly.

Betting Scams – betting scams could involve betting on any sport. Often they involve horse racing. Betting fraudsters will pose as experts and offer to sell the victim inside information or a foolproof way to win.

It would be impossible to cover all the scams out there but the Think Jessica charity has partnered with Actionfraud to produce a booklet which is available to the general public free of charge and goes into details about some of the others not listed above.

The whole campaign has been sponsored nationally by Home Instead Senior Care and the Alzheimer’s Society and is available to view online.

If you would like a free copy please telephone Sue Homer on 01933 358707 or email

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