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So you want to be a Doctor?

JONATHAN Bailey from the University of Nottingham, recently joined Bosworth for the day to interview A2 medic students and to give a presentation to AS medics about their applications.

The college really appreciated Jonathan dedicating the day; it is so important that potential applicants are aware of the process and even more important that A2 applicants take part in a mock interview prior to their real interviews. In total, nine students took part in the interview process. Students received one-to-one feedback after their interviews, and went away with useful ideas about how to make the best impression in their interviews.

The University of Nottingham offers one of the most popular medicine courses in the country, with innovative teaching and early interaction with patients, in fact it is one of the few universities that offer full-body dissection, so Jonathan could impart up-to-date advice on what universities are looking for in a UCAS application and the kind of replies/reactions they will expect on interview day.

He encouraged applicants to make sure they were doing lots of wider reading and keeping abreast of current issues in the world of medicine and the NHS. Students also need to understand the ethical issues that go hand in hand with being a doctor. Work experience featured heavily for both areas, as it helps applicants stand out at the initial application, but it also enables them to think outside the box when answering questions at interview, which is essential.

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