* indicates required

Get processes in good shape

THE reasons for needing to recruit can vary from looking to fill a new job role to replacing a lost employee, but whatever the reason the principles of successful recruitment remain the same:

1. Identify where you need assistance in the business and decide upon the tasks that will make up the job role.

2. Decide upon the skills, experience and personal attributes that will be required to carry out the job role effectively.


THE reasons for needing to recruit can vary from looking to fill a new job role to replacing a lost employee, but whatever the reason the principles of successful recruitment remain the same:

1. Identify where you need assistance in the business and decide upon the tasks that will make up the job role.

2. Decide upon the skills, experience and personal attributes that will be required to carry out the job role effectively.

3. Black Dog HR can help you compile a job description and person specification – and now you are ready to advertise the role.

Do you have staff working internally that could fill the role with some support and development training? This may save costs and help motivate staff to progress. If this isn’t the case…

4. Decide where to advertise – internally/externally or both. You have a choice of a variety of sources – using internal intranet system or notice boards, using social media, the web on job boards, employment agencies, local/nationalist and specialist newspapers and publications and word of mouth.

5. Plan the interview – arrange dates, venue and book interviewers in advance. Plan the structure of the interview and write generic questions to ask all candidates, there may be a couple of additional questions which directly relate to individual candidates applications. Ensure that questioning is not discriminatory in any way.

6. Shortlist the applicants using the person specification to ensure your choices have been made objectively.

7. Hold interviews – ensure that notes are made and retained from each interview to enable questions to be answered following the interview and decisions to be justified if required.

Would a psychometric assessment or a trade test assist your decision?

Candidates will be happy to attend a second interview if required.

Communicate the next stage in the process and timescales involved to all candidates.

8. Congratulations, you have found your ideal employee – now it is time to check rights to work in the UK, take copies of documentation and retain, follow up on references.

Black Dog HR Consultancy Ltd can assist with all of these stages and provide you with employment contracts and policies, job descriptions and staff handbooks.

We will be happy to offer support with planning the Induction, monitor and advice through the probation period and deliver development training.

Call one of the team today on 01280 817341, email or visit our website www.blackdoghr.co.uk

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